So there is the journal I attempted to write while in Tibet. I guess you read it from the bottom up. I appologize for the poor quality (of everything really) the idea worked out better in my head. You might notice spelling and grammar are not particularly important to me in journal writing. I started this with the intention to write Everything, as most journal writers do. Unfortunately you get to read only the uninteresting begining to my adventure, before flight delays and intestinal parasites used up my ambition. While I might still try to record things in my journal, I like taking pictures better... so my attempts at getting photos up haven't worked well either. There are a few on photobucket and very dark ones on facebook. I will let you know when things get better. Actually when everything gets better. The parasites and all. I just assumed they are parasites, my Lonely Planet guide to healthy travel in Asia has told me they probably are. Sorry you all probably think that is disgusting. All these years of Biology makes it kind of facinating to me. China is kind of kicking my ass. I am at the point now where I really kind of just want to go home. I suppose by some definitions this is my home. Oh I came to an interesting conclusion about why I dislike it so much here (other than the above). A friend of mine took a philosophy class at SCCC last year and discussed with me the concept that despite relative wealth, no one can truly escape the class they were born into. Now I was drunk at the time this was explained to me, and so was my friend, so I did not buy into it much. But here in Shanghai where despite communism's best intentions, there is a huge difference in classes, I feel very awkward about having a driver, and ayi (aunt=maid) etc...going to see the Broadway production of Lion King and having my dad tell me "this ticket would cost Jun (our driver) ten days salary". What I mean is that in the US, I would call myself probably upper middle class. My parents both came from fairly white trashy backgrounds, but made something of themselves and have provided a pretty damn good life for my sister and I. Then they move to China. Here, while there is a huge difference between rich and poor, rich here is mind-boggling, something I can't even imagine, and poor like nothing I have seen before either, we are considered pretty fucking high class, at least to my standards. And I am real confused. Part of me really wants to ask our driver where he hangs out at night, what he listens to and if I can hang out with him and his friends. Of course I don't speak Chinese, his English is okay for directions etc...But my family was shocked at me for expressing this to them. Jun takes the place in society that I feel like I occupy in America. But I guess things are different here on that level too. That is what is, on a rather selfish note, one of the hardest things for me about being in China for a month not having interactions with people I feel a connection with. A bunch of filipinas work in the bar and at the restaurant at my parents complex, my dad has told them that I am learning Tagalog. They live together and want me to come over and hang out with them supposedly. My Tagalog is not too good, but we have had some fun conversations anyway. Got a week left, we will see. Miss you all, see you soon.