Chinese Junk

Thursday, August 31, 2006 poisoning all this week. But I am uploding my pictures etc... and I will have something for you soon

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The yak, a long-haired bison type creature described by Paul Theroux as 'like a cow on its way to the opera', is typically Tibetan and probably the most useful animal ever born. Able to live only at high altitudes, and subsisting solely on grasses and lichens, it is a powerful beast of burden and many other things besides. As well as being the main means of transport, the male yak was a source of meat, while the female dri gave milk, butter, cheese and yogurt. Its skin provided boots and saddlebags; its hair was the source not only of tents but of blankets, ropes and clothing; its bones were used for building houses, its backbone was crushed and mixed with gold dust for a female contraceptive; and its dung, when dried, was everywhere used for fuel and insulation. -from Mary Craig's Tears of Blood: A Cry for Tibet

So excited.